Minima Presentation at Pacificon

On October 11 2014, I gave a presentation at the Pacificon HAM Radio Convention on the Minima HF Transceiver. I was extremely happy to see a lot of interest for the project and I am now publishing the slides and the handout that I gave to the attendees (sorry I had not printed enough!).

Building the Minima - Pacificon 2014 from Thomas Sarlandie

If you missed the presentation, you can listen to an audio recording:

I only have a partial video recording but I know a fellow OM has recorded the end of the presentation. I will make this available if I can glue all the bits together.

For more information on the Minima, visit the dedicated section on this site and the official wiki.

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Copyright Thomas Sarlandie 2013, 2014
See About page for more copyright information (CC-BY-SA).